MSAD 31 ESSER III/ARP Federal Relief Funds

MSAD 31 ESSER III/ARP Federal Relief Funds-DRAFT

This plan will be adjusted as the application process progresses.

Revised: 11/8/21

US Department of Education: ARP Purpose of Funds

  • To implement prevention and mitigation strategies (aligned with CDC guidance to the greatest extent practicable).

  • To address the academic impacts of lost instructional time through evidence-based interventions that respond to the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students and particularly underserved student groups.

US Department of Education: ARP Requirements

  • Meaningful consultation with stakeholders and opportunities for public comment for both the ARP Use of funds plan and SAU Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction.

  • Minimum of 20% Reservation project- must be targeted and evidence-based interventions to address loss of instructional time.

  • Relevance: Project descriptions must make direct connections to the COVID 19 pandemic.

  • Timeliness: An urgent return to safe in-person instruction and funding must address needs caused by the pandemic as quickly, safely, and efficiently as possible.

MSAD 31 Cumulative Federal Amount: $1,599,570

Required Reservation Project:

Evidence Based Student Supports - $495,000

  • Extended School Day: Tutoring Program Grades HMS/PVHS

  • Interventionist Teacher ESS

  • Enrichment Programs: Art Teacher Position HMS/PVHS, Reading Enrichment

All Other Projects:

Technology - $96,000

  • Chromebooks & Cases

  • MacBooks

  • Classroom based technology needs

  • Food Service Laptops

Facilities, Instructional Spaces and Transportation - $930,000

  • Maintenance Position

  • Head Custodian Position

  • Generator HMS

  • Renovation to Instructional Spaces- tile replacement

  • Ventilation ESS Window Project/ Air Quality ESS Boiler replacement

  • 2 Bus Purchase

  • Equipment (installation of touchless equipment)

Staff and Student Supports - $78,570

  • Professional Development (Trauma, Restorative Practices and Social Emotional Learning, etc)

  • Individual Supplies, Curriculum and Instructional Materials