UPDATED COVID-19 Standard Operation Procedures Fact Sheet 

  • Students and staff will not be required to quarantine from school or school sponsored events following exposures to COVID-19 due to mandatory universal masking at school

  •  Exposures outside or on buses will no longer be deemed close contact

  • The school will notify the guardian the student resides with via email when a student is determined to be a close contact at school 

  • A student or staff with COVID-19 may return to school after 5 days of isolation as long as they:

  • Are symptom free/ experiencing a reduction of symptoms; and

  • Have been fever free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medications

  • Remote learning will be available to students that are required to isolate due to being COVID-19 positive as determined by the building principal or school nurse.


The link to the full MaineDOE SOP’s document can be found below: